DogsLife editor Kylie Baracz talks with radio and television personality Sam “Sam Mac” McMillan on his work with Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, their Puppy Picnic and being mistaken for a toilet by a Rottweiler.
Why did you decide to get involved with Sydney Dogs and Cats Home?
I’ve always been an animal lover so when I heard about the work that Sydney Dogs and Cats Home does, I knew it was a charity I wanted to align with. The two feline ladies in my life (Coco and Catra) have come from the Home too, and they’ve added an incredible amount of joy to my life. I believe every animal deserves a loving home and that’s why I’m honoured to an ambassador (or “Sambassador”) for an organisation who are only happy, when the animals are happy, too.
Can you tell me a bit about the Puppy Picnic?
Saturday the 22nd of November will be the first Puppy Picnic hosted by the home which will see current canine residents and ex-alumni join together at Sydney Park for a day that celebrates adoption and highlights the joys of taking a second chance pet into your family; with market stands, entertainment, face-painting, a puppy kissing booth, food vans, free vet advice and animals looking for new homes available for adoption on the day. There’s even going to be an appearance from”Pooch Santa”. I played a similar role at a dog refuge in Perth a few years back under the name “Santa Paws” but have since retired from the role after a certain Rottweiler chose the worst time and place to go to the toilet!
We have put procedures in place to ensure that won’t happen at the Puppy Picnic, and if it does we’ll be sure to film it so it can become a viral youtube sensation!
Besides this event, is there anything else on the horizon for you or Sydney Dogs and Cats Home that you would like to mention?
Christmas is always a big time at the Home – sadly a lot of animals find themselves without a home over the Christmas period which is why we have our Christmas Appeal where we ask people to keep our residents on their Christmas list, with a small donation to help us through the busiest time of the year. Donations can be made via https://secure3.everydayhero.com.au/charities/707/donate
On a larger scale I’d just like to be a part of educating people on just how great rescue pets are. I genuinely believe they know you’ve given them a second chance and will love you accordingly.
*Puppy Picnic takes place on Saturday the 22nd of November at Sydney Park.
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