Care and exercise
Coat care of the Smooth variety could hardly be easier an occasional brushing or wipe down with a damp cloth. The Wire, to look like it should, needs not only regular brushing, but stripping and trimming is best left to a professional groomer. An uncared-for Wire Fox Terrier will end up looking like a grubby scruff with matted hair that will have to be completely cut off. Exercise requirements are moderate, but a busy little terrier like the Foxie must have enough to keep fit and ward off boredom.
The Fox Terrier is a breed that has proven itself literally millions of times worldwide as a first-rate working terrier, show dog and, above all, family pet. Hardy, sturdy, outgoing, resilient, loyal, intelligent, alert, all in a small package. Best kept on a lead off your property, it is also legendary for its digging propensity and ability and typical terrier dislike of cats.
This pint-sized barrel of fun makes a great companion that is easily suited to many people and environments. Its no wonder they’re so popular among dog fanatics and lovers.
Possibly the best known and most popular of this group of dogs over the past one hundred years, the Smooth Fox Terrier has a lesser-known cousin, the Wire. Both names, of course, describe the coat. Developed in England over 300 years ago, Fox Terriers were originally used to hunt small, ground-dwelling vermin in their burrows, as well as accompanying hunters on horseback in pursuit of foxes. Hounds were used to chase the fox and if it sought refuge underground in went the terriers to bring it out. They were also expert ratters around the farmyard and house. The only real difference between the two varieties is the coat, the Wire version designed to offer better protection in thickets and burrows.
Probably the international golden period of the Fox Terrier ended in the 1950s, with the increasing popularity of so many other breeds after the War, but just about anyone over 50 either had one in the family or in their street when they were young. A typical terrier, the Foxie takes a backward step to no-one and, with one around, rodents will be conspicuous by their absence!
Height should be around 38cm and average weight about 7-8kg. Coats are either short and smooth, or dense and wiry and colouring should be all or mostly white, with black and/or tan markings.
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