Click here for more competitions »The PetSafe Easy Walk Harness is designed to gently discourage dogs from pulling while walking on a lead. Unlike traditional collars, the Easy Walk Harness rests low across the breastbone and does not cause coughing, gagging or choking. The harness comes in multiple colours and sizes to suit any dog.
Dogs Life has five harnesses to give away.
Please make sure to let us know your dog’s size and which colour you would prefer (black or red). Sizes are in relation to your dog’s girth measurement: extra small (30-40cm); small (38-51cm); medium (51-71cm); large (66-91cm) and extra large (86-117cm).
**To enter, tell us in 25 words or less why you and your pooch would love to win in the reply box below.**
Please remember to sign in and update the Contact Info for Competition section and read the Condition of Entry before entering.
For more great ideas, visit our DOGSLife Directory
No more pulling, dog choking on chain leads, while our Lab strains!
Walking with a controlled, harnessed, happier, less stressed dog AND this owner,
Will find dog walking a pleasure again!
Large Red if you have it thanks!
It would give him a new LEASH of life!
An Easy Walk Harness would be so FINE!
The kids and I could easily walk our Puggle any TIME!
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My Labrador (Poppy) would love a large red harness please. She is up and hitting the pavement with me everyday at 5am.
I’d love to try an Easy Walk harness for Lacey – she’s a Golden Retriever who loves to take her humans for a walk!! She’d like a large size in red or black.
A small harness would be great to replace the one our naughty shih tzu just chewed to pieces.
Walking Hershey every day
It’s our time to bond and play
..but sometimes other walkers talk,
Commenting ‘Who’s taking WHO for a walk.’
With easy walk our time’s less taxing,
Our walks may even be RELAXING!
Size: Medium. 🙂
Our Labrador rocky thinks he’s king of the town, id love to show him he’s not by having a little control!
UI am nearly due to have a baby and panicked the other day when Cricket my Jack Russell slipped his collar, I couldn’t run after him and cried all the way home to find Cricket waiting at the gate. I need a harness now.
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I’m owned by a Jack Russell, he walks me, on a standard leash its like chasing rainbows, we never catch the end or my breath
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I’d love to win this for my mum, who has recently adopted a beagle, who constantly pulls when they walk (medium)
My dog has always been a puller and nothing we have tried so far has worked so we’d love to try this out.
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Walking time will be more pleasurable, comfortable and less stressful for both of us with the Pet Safe Easy Walk Harness onboard.
My gorgeous 12 year old greyhound betty has a weakened oesophagus so a Petsafe Easywalk harness will help her keep active. Large black please.
Having a dog that pulls I believe one of these would be invaluable. It may keep me from insanity!!!
Poppy (my wonder dog) and I would love an amazing large red PetSafe Easywalk harness as she is a very enthusiastic walker.
Medium/Red would be Zoe’s size and colour. her current harness has been washed so many times, it’s looking very shabby. This could be her Christmas present.
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Our Staffy pup Lilly would rather choke on her choke collar than walk properly, maybe this harness can fix that? We would love red in large please if we won
My pooch is sick of choking herself, while she tries to pull my arm off when we attempt a walk.
A medium black harness would be amazing!
My German Shepherd Axel has a harness but it’s nearly worn out. Dog School insisted on chokers, I hated it and we left.
Make my life easier walking my overzealous cattle dog,hates her halti,Petsafe easy walk harness would give me the control but her the freedom…….Large black xxx
Sorry, forgot to say if we’re lucky XL & Black please.
My Lucy would love one of these she doesn’t have a harness at the moment due to it being used as a chew toy
I’d feel a lot safer if my girl was on a leash on walks that’s why she rarely leaves the years we don’t have a safe leash
We’d love to win a PetSafe Easy Walk Harness for my Border Collie x Kelpie, who currently uses a Halti, but really doesn’t like it.
My 4 ‘special needs’ boys have got a new puppy/ best friend/ exercise buddy. A harness will help them walk the dog safely.
We love him as our child. He gives us joy. His antics, and cheekiness heals Jean’s anxiety from being bullied at work. He’s heaven’s gift!
Thirty kilos each of untamed muscle
Creates a walk of awkward hustle.
Times two equals a real tussle.
PetSafe Easy Walk for Jax and Russell.
grandkids having trouble with lovely but strong english staffy think this harness just perfect to make life easier for them and dog
Would love to win a large black harness for BUDDY & have a nice relaxing walk along our local walkway we haven’t managed that yet.
Me and Lucy would love to a Easywalk harness to stop pulling on walks, she has allergy so help with her coughing and sneezing . red – girth 54cm
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We recently got our puppy and he is growing fast, in need of a large harness to help control him 🙂
having had a knee replacement I find it hard when my dog pulls…I’d love to try one of these medium sized harnesses ..thanks !!
The current harness is giving my dachie a rash, would love an upgrade to the easy walk version!
We have used these on our dog before, they are amazing! Sadly ours broke due to excessive use lol
My dad likes taking my german shepherd for a walk but she is a puller and my dad has tennis elbow
I have tried nearly every conceivable lead and harness on my 34kg Labrador puppy Charlie for the past 4 years. So many smells! He can’t help but pull. I am out of options (and money). Please help me!
This would make walking a breeze!
My three dogs and I would love to win this as walking a tribe all at once is always a battle!!
My guys would like Red and could share a medium or large… I have a staffy, a ridgeback and a bullmastiff!!
Sorry forgot the size large please
Bella our American staffy puts me to the test when it comes to walk time. Being a strong dog she is always pulling me along which makes our walks challenging. Would be lovely to enjoy our walks
My dog would be a size extra large. Cheers
“Please help my Mum enjoy calmer walks with super excitable me by giving her a PetSafe Easy Walk Harness to hopefully slow me down, Woof.” (Large, any colour, Thanks)
My 3 year old Great Dane, Bungie (a puppy in heart and pony in size) would suit a red XL harness as trying to walk her on a collar and lead is equivalent to having a horse pull you down the street. Playful and friendly as hell she wants to say hi to all (humans, cats, dogs) all training and commands go out the window on walkies. Please help me gain my footing for a comfortable walk.
Being diagnosed with ‘Wobblers’, Archie can’t wear his halter or a collar. He’d like a large in either colour.
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My puggy girl would love a M size in red so that she looks gorgeous for spring time walkies!!
My chihuahuas are tiny, but they always run so hard when they’re being walked! We need to protect their precious little necks.
my dog would be a size small and the colour red would suit her better. (my entry is below this comment I forgot to add this info)
When I take my dog for a walk it feels like she is walking me! This harness would be a huge help to us so she can get out of the habit of pulling and hurting herself so we can enjoy a casual work not a rushed jog.
My little toy cavoodle thinks she is in control and tries to pull me. Instead of any enjoyable walk it becomes problematic. small in red
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So walks are just as fun for mum as they are for pup!
Ollie is 22kg of muscle and likes to take (drag) me walking , a black Medium PetSafe Easy Walk Harness would save me from Shoulder surgery
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My dog Odin is an 8 month old Neapolitan Mastiff ,he is 50 kilos now and already a handful using a collar a Harness would be oh so much better. And more comfortable for him too. Extra large please. 🙂
my miniature daushund Ruby drags me all over the place. Small red please
Im a hard working assistance dog. I never pull on the leash on duty… But take that coat off, and I take off! (Size: Small Colour: Black)
My black Labrador Raffie, is a big boy, and loves to drag me and my mother around while he sniffs everything! I always heard a harness is more comfortable for dogs, and makes walking a lot easier (which is a plus for my mum with her eyesight going). Raffie and I would love the opportunity to try the red Petsafe Easy Walk Harness in a size L ! 🙂 Woof, lick!
We would love a Harness to walk to the park rather than me being towed! I rescued him and a PetSafe would save me!
Red please, size large for my Kelpie X thank you.
My chubby pug Darcy would need a size small! He is very excited and pulls and pulls! This would help him stop when he needs to be safe! E.G crossing the road!
My big poodle is always dragging me along chasing the birds when I take him for a walk.
He is a size medium and would love it in the red!
My little dog is always pulling on the leash to chase everything! She is size extra small and we prefer the red colour.
Its a mission at walk time with our Labrador! Out of the many products we have tried, this may actually work.