Pet-Mat is the latest in heating pads for pets using carbon fibre technology resulting in a most economical heating device for keeping healthy pets or sick/arthritic animals warm in winter. The Pet-Mat is compact, flexible, durable, waterproof and most importantly, operates on a low voltage 12 volt system which is entirely safe. RRP: $94.50. For more information check out www.petmat.com.au.
Dogs Life has six small Pet-Mats to giveaway.
**To enter, answer the following question: ‘How can you tell when your pup is cold?‘ using 25 words or less in the comment box below.**
This online only competition closes on the 31st August 2013.
Please remember to sign in and update the Contact Info for Competition section and read the Condition of Entry before entering.
For more great ideas, visit our DOGSLife Directory
Our little Cujo shivers and shakes when he’s cold. In winter he has been getting swaddled in a baby blanket, just like a real baby.
Gizmo likes to shiver and shake when you look straight at him. He looks like the Wendy’s Shake n dog.
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Pixie is a getting pretty old these days, and when she is cold, all you can see is her nose poking out of the blanket. The rest of her is invisible!
My dog starts shivering and looks at me sadly. He them starts whining, my dog would love this.
Because her freezing cold little nose pushes it’s way under our bed covers and to the bottom of our bed!
My little 6 month pup has been very sick and has had an operation recently. He has lost a lot of weight so feels the cold so badly, this would be great for him.
I’m generally on the edge of the bed, with minimal bedding and a little nose in my ear
Cause she howls at the side of my bed until I let her in
She curls up in her bed and wraps her tail and paws over her nose!
When my little fella steals the cat cave and curls up so tightly you can’t tell his top from his tail, he’s cold, cold, cold.
Jack comes to me for his coat and wants it on and he sits in his bed by the ducted heating
She lays next to the fire and I start to smell burnt flesh!
Miss Dusty climbs into/onto my bed… and does the ‘sad eyes’ at me when she is cold… My bed with the electric blanket on, and we are both happy little vegemites!
My pup drags his cushion over to the heating vent and sleeps on top. It’s a great idea if I’m home and the heater’s on.
His teeth start chattering like a pair of Spanish castanets!
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Shivering, whining and scratching at the door!
The shivering and puppy dog eyes boring into me are a dead giveaway!
When my chihuahua really feels Tasmania’s cold weather she heads straight to the wood header and leans on the base.
My girl sits in front of us shivering and shaking. She also curls into a tiny ball with her tail over her nose!
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I know my little dog is cold when I find tiny pieces of her blanket all over the place curtesy of our big dog. Now my little dog sleeps in a place the big dog can’t get to.
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My aging assistance dog would benefit greatly for her arthritis caused by helping me out over the years.
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When Mini is cold she crawls under my doona to keep warm.
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My babies eve-so-subtly sick their freezing cold noses on my bare legs. Very obvious sign.
Harvey the maltese shihzu runs around like crazy and shivers. Also he hides under a blanket. He would just adore one of these.
A cold wet nose snuffling its way against my sock, no room left on the couch and no movement even when I rattle the food dish..
My little chihuahua Gherkin starts to shake like a wendys shake n dog!!! her little paws get really cold and she gives me the , put the heater on look :))
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my dog sits in front of the heater nobody else can get near it
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She taps at the door let me in
Either he’s hogging the heater or hogging the bed with his bum sticking out from under the covers, my dog Sammy is never cold because he always hogs the warmth to himself!
Sorry, my revised 25WOL…
Either he’s hogging the heater or hogging the bed, my dog Sammy is never cold because he always hogs the warmth to himself!
my two staffies wouldnt move of this bed given a chance.
When my pup gets cold he climbs up on my bed and taps me with his paw until I lift up my blankets so he can climb in! Having one of these pet-mats would be ideal for him.
My dog will shiver violently until I wrap her up in a blanket and cuddle her. My other dog just curls up as close to me as he can, basically ending up sitting in my lap.
Our little Cujo is so tiny, he shivers and snuggles when it gets cold.
When she kicks the cat out of her warm cozy spot and refuses to budge.
My dog sits in front of the heater even when it’s off and gives me that look as if to say “don’t you love me?”…..
Tess just starts shivering & dives into my bed!! She would love this!!
My little one scampers under my pj top. It’s not uncommon to wake up to my ball-of-fluff puppy under my shirt!
My lap is the only place to be!!
My little dog wont go outside for a while to go to the toilet. He stays curled up on his blanket and wont move. I have the heater on, but he knows its cold outside.
He jumps on his bed and makes squeaking noises until I come over and cover him in his bunny rug. It’s very cute.
Gypsy curls up so tight to try and keep warm, her nose tucked in and her fur feels cold to the touch, poor little thing.
Cassy barks to wake me up moves blanket try’s to get under it and enjoys
Pup frendly warm drink to help
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Cuddles! She wants a never ending cuddle!!
When my boy is right in front of the wood heater and does not move, and he is only 2 years of age.
My dog will snuggle up into a ball under the blankets making sure shes close to me
When I wake up in the morning to find my babies snuggled under the covers with me.
I can tell my pet is cold when he gets under the covers in bed, and presses his icy paws against me to warm up!
Toby curls up on the floor and starts crying and shivering. He hates the cold and he would love this.He loves the warm.
Toby curls up on the floor and starts crying and shivering. He hates the cold and he would love this.
My boy jumps up on my bed/lounge and tries to nuzzle his way under the covers!
Dotty the little dog of our two curls up in her blanket and looks out with her georgeous cute eyes and wags her tail which is out from under the blanket! One of these mats would be great for her
my baby curls up in a ball all fluffed up and shivers and shakes all over. How she would love one of these mats!
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