Make love’em liver treats a part of your dog’s life!
To enter, send us your dog’s snapshot with your name, mailing address and why you love your dog (in 25 words or less) to dogslife@universalmagazines.com.au with Love’em Snapshots in the subject line.
Winners will have their dog’s snapshot published in Dogs Life magazine and receive a love’ems prize pack which includes pork liver treats, beef liver treats, puppy rewards, liver cookies, liver chews, liver treats and an exclusive love’em squeaky ball toy!
Good luck!
Please remember to sign in and update the Contact Info for Competition section and read the Condition of Entry before entering.
For more great ideas, visit our DOGSLife Directory
I have a dog named Bella in the photo. I’m a dog groomer at East Gresford in the Hunter Valley NSW. My e-mail is doggywash-basiccuts@hotmail.com. Their are 3 other dogs and they are Hyena (mum), Ratchet (dad) & Dexter (son). YES one happy family.
My other dog could do with some serious training
These treats would be irresistible to her!
training my future jumping champion would be so much easier if she was rewarded with her all time favourite treats which she definitely deserves. As our local supermarket and pet shops do not sell these love ém beef liver treats. If you haven’t already figured I live in the country 30 minutes away from nearest town(not a very big one) and about an hour to an hour and a half away from any cities. These treats would really go down a treat at my house!
Many Many thanks for the prize that turned up in the post this morning. Ebbie is one very happy puppy!
My 2 would love love these treats little mischief makers they are.
love my sweet cassy/woof she is my best friend and would be lost with out her
we travel every where together
Your address and postcode in Contact info for Competition Section are needed for posting products to the winners
Hi, my name is ‘Patch’ RUFFF. Whilst I haven’t met my new mum yet I know she is very excited to meet me. She is picking me up this weekend and I can’t wait, ruff, ruff, ruff. This is the 1st time my new mum will have a fur baby so I would love to win her these Luv’em treats. I am a 9 week old Shih Tzu x Maltese and I know she already loves me heaps.
Unconditional love. I would love to give my dog something back now.
my girls just love their liver treats and have been sooo good over xmas
my dog goes CRAZY for treats as soon as you say the word she goes wild!! she would love thiss!!
My dog is so sweet he deserves a treat 🙂
my baby girl would love to try them
Your address and postcode in Contact info for Competition Section are needed for posting products to the winners
I have a active kelpie who loves his treats and I would love to give theses a try as they are more natural than some
my dogs would love to try this
my little dog won this a fewmonths ago really great variety
Humans aren’t all bad. But they aren’t all good either. Choose yours wisely.