DGG’s new Puppy Shampoo is a nurturing and soothing formula that has been specially created for precious puppies. It is also extra kind to dogs with sensitive skin. An organic essential-oil blend of calming chamomile, witch hazel and St John’s Wort enrich and enhance the grooming experience for pups, while cedar wood, grapefruit peel, bergamot and lime revitalise, uplift and help deter flees and insects as well as eliminate those on-the-nose dog odours. The healing powers of honey and calendula have been included to gently cleanse, soothe and strengthen the skin and to promote a silky, soft coat without irritation. The DGG range of Australian-made, all-natural dog grooming products are available at PETstock outlets nationally and are free from sulphates and parabens, are pH balanced and come with the RSPCA “woof of approval”.
Dogs Life has six duos of DGG Puppy Shampoo valued at $38.90 each to give away, so your puppy can look and smell their doggone gorgeous best all summer long.
**To enter, tell us in 25 words or less why you and your pooch would love to win in the reply box below.**
Please remember to sign in and update the Contact Info for Competition section and read the Condition of Entry before entering.
For more great ideas, visit our DOGSLife Directory
Our puppy “chews”. Caught him drinking from the loo. Digs holes like moonscapes. Adorable mate. The DGG range we depend. CARING for our “best friend” !!
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Hi, my name is ‘Patch’ RUFFF. Whilst I haven’t met my new mum yet I know she is very excited to meet me. She is picking me up this weekend and I can’t wait, ruff, ruff, ruff. This is the 1st time my new mum will have a fur baby so I would love to win her this new shampoo to help her with my grooming. I am a 9 week old Shih Tzu x Maltese.
My doggies are cool, like to look good,
I wash and I brush them,
It seems to help,
With DGG shampoo they’ll smell top shelf.
I wAnt my baby to smell good so I can enjoy the cuddles as much as her
Losing STINKS!
I have 2 cats but I would give it to my mum who washes her puppy weekly in the family bath tub..
If my puppy ‘s skin and fur smell great, all I would have to put up with then was his “Farting” [PHEW]
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Even though our Shihtzu Tilly is five years old, her favourite game is to roll around in the dirt, and though she hates baths we love her smelling fresh!
Jushing DGG is what my dog really needs to do and get her coat Clean leaving a gorgeous sheen
a clean happy wagging tail makes a paw-fectly happy home
My foxies are quite proud of their appearance, I’d love to give them luscious healthy coats!
While no longer a puppy.. he still behaves like one and always needs a bath, so this would be perfect for the “pup”
I wish I could take my dog to the day spa with me. With the luxurious DGG shampoo, I can bring it to her!
Bailey is a white, fluffy pretty boy who loves rolling in duck poo!
Natural products are essential because he’s bathed so often.
As a groomer I’m always eager to try new products .. Oscar my cavoodle would be a willing participant
Having his own special dog shampoo might finally convince my whippet pup that he is not, in fact, people, after all !!
Urgh, he’s always at the scene of the GRIME and making a DOG’S DINNER of everything!
With two smelly healers, it would be good to have at least one part of them that smells good. We still love them!
after a run on the oval in the rain and mud after a down pour, after all the summer heat yogi needs a bath.
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we have a 12w old staffy pup, she is a real jack in the box, she needs chamomile and st johns wort to calm her just a little!
Our little Cujo has sensitive skin but he also like to get dirty. This prize would be perfect.
My boy is epileptic, chemically-sensitive and likes to roll in disgusting things! Regular “coiffing” with DGG’s no sulphate or paraben range will defeat smelly dogginess!
Owen needs lots of bathing at the moment. It is so hot in Perth and he seems to think that digging holes in the lawn to lie in is much better than all the shaded areas that we provide.
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Say Bath and our dog hides under the bed, when I finally get hold of them it’s nice to know you’re using a good product!
There once was a baby Japanese Spitz,
She loved to dig deep mud pits,
With fur as white as snow,
Shampoo would make her glow,
And smell sweet, so we could cuddle her to bits!
Our terrier needs to be washed more often than recommended as she gets dirty so quickly. Having suffered from dermatitis on several occasions the vet has said we need to wash her in shampoo which isn’t harsh. This seems like it would do the trick nicely.
I’d love it because puppy like to roll in his number 2s,
and Pup would like it because he loves ANY attention…you just can’t lose!
My dogs have sensitive skin and I have a sensitive nose DGG let’s make sure the pong goes!
Our swiss shepherd puppy has very sensitive skin so this would be great to try!!!
Lola only deserves the best – a product designed for precious puppies with sensitive skin is perfect for her
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My Buddy is three and still a puppy in my eyes. QLD weather irritates his beautiful sensitive skin. Bathtime bonding is needed.
My pug has sensitive skin as she suffers from grass allergies.
She loves to have baths but certain shampoos irritate her skin so would love to give this a try as I’ve heard rave reviews
Billy is only 14wks and finding baths stressful, so using Chamomile as an ingredient should be beneficial ,plus your Australian Made, and Organic..plus plus for all puppies..
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Angel is a Rotty without a bath she gets grotty
She’s got her pride that makes her chest swell and with puppy shampoo she don’t smell
my 8 year old dog has that itchy sensitive skin, when you pat him, his skin does that creepy crawl thing…. and it bugs me! would love to try this and see if it improves his skin! xx
There’s nothing like a premium pampering shampoo bonding experience for Kiara and I. It relaxes me while I massage her with it.
Poppy (the wonder dog) would love being a pampered pooch with DGG’s Puppy Shampoo. She would be even more perfect, if that is possible.
Love to try something with all natural ingrediants. Sounds Good, and Healthy and Natural.
my son, loves his pup! They get down and dirty in mud and all things black! This would keep her looking clean after mud pies!
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Both of my babies are on antihistamines for sensitive skin so this would be great
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Have tried many shampoos, they have made my puppy get dermatitis, would love for her to have a bath and not be in pain.
Living in the tropics, two words. Cane toads. My puppy likes to try to roll in them. Eeewww! He doesn’t smell pretty!
once upon a time there was a muddy smelly puppy, once bathed in DGG shampoo became clean, glowing, aromatic! I love tails with happy endings!
With a squirmy wormy dog, this sensitive puppy wash would make bath time so much easier (dog shampoo stings like chihuahua!).
my two girls would love this espeically if they smell nice for when they next enter the sheep dog trials
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Have too small dogs that have sensitive skin, love their baths and pampering so would love to win this for them
My two small dogs need this as their is workman and machinery out the back of our house and lots of dust so my dogs are currently brown and black instead of white and black
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My pupp needs this she really smells and would love her to smell pretty when she jumps on me
bathing with DGG PUPPY SHAMPOO after a day on the farm holly will certainly be allowed nestled indoors smelling all nice and clean where she belongs
My puppy has been shampooed with other products and smells quickly, hopefully DGG will do the trick to make her smell nice 🙂
My dog has sensitive skin but loves having a bath. This would be great to soothe his skin and make him look even more beautiful and shiny
I would love this for my pup as it would be perfect for his sensitive skin 🙂
For months I have been using the wrong shampoo for my puppy and I desperately need the DGG Puppy Shampoo to get my pup’s fur back to fabulous.
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My little pug is an adventure queen but ends up very messy. She would love this so we can enjoy stink and irritation free cuddles while she flaunts her shinny coat.
We live on a farm so our dogs constantly end up dirty so they would love a nice bath with this shampoo to make them look and smell beautiful again 🙂
Love the sound of this product and our Lulu loves baths!
My doggy suffers from skin allergies this time of year and all the natural ingredients would soothe her cracked and highly irritated sjin.
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Well he is a smelly boy. I’m sure he would like cuddles without us screwing our noses up at him 😛
My pup would love this because he LOVES baths!
Dirty Dog’s Gunna love it.
I have a new 10 week old Pug pup called Mya. She would love
a to have a shampoo to make her a Diva.
We’re getting a new addition to the family in the new year, be nice to be prepared and have everything ready for his arrival 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’d love to wash my dog Holly this summer with DGG Puppy Shampoo.
my beautiful doggy is not a puppy but she does have sensitive skin,so would love to try anything that can help her feel better and smell gorgeous