Thinking about expanding your fur-family? If so, make sure you read this book on how to introduce your dog to your new adoption. Louise provides thorough and important information to take into consideration when getting another dog, from how to choose your new fur-baby to socialising your dogs by determining play styles. By following these easy-to-read steps, your dogs are sure to become best of furry friends.
Dogs Life has five books to give away.
**To enter, tell us in 25 words or less why you and your pooch would love to win in the reply box below.**
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Millie isn’t very well socialised – the reason being we need to know how to!
The last time we got a ‘friend’ for Tess resulted in the new dog being stitched up at the vet and having to be re-housed. I’m thinking I may not have done it right…..
There’s nothing to be TERRIERfied of, it would probably give my dogs a new LEASH of life!
My pooch and I currently have different ideas of social and polite! A win would mean we’d have a new friend in who we’d delight!
My little Jack Russell has started growling at all other dogs – this might teach us a thing or two about being polite.
This book would be fantastic for my Fur baby, now is there such a book ‘The Art of Introducing your partner to the Dishes’?
My Nanna is getting a doberman this year, it would be very good to give her this book as a birthday present next month.
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We are actually thinking of adopting another RSPCA dog to be company for Poppy, so this book would be ideal in helping make our decision.
With a new arrival on the way, it would be great to have some handy hints about how to introduce our puppy to our two old dogs!
I think this will be a great read everyone will enjoy
I would love to win a copy of this book, as my family are looking at getting a new dog and are unsure how to introduce it to our existing pooch!
One of my dogs passed away recently and I wold love to introduce a new friend for our other dog. This would be so helpful.
Because my two little cuties need another little playmate – this would be a perfect instruction book for their parents!
Myself and my partner want to get another dog and this book would be very useful.
I have two fur babies but I would like them to be more sociable with my friends and familys dogs
We are thinking of getting a companion for our greyhound and having only ever owned one dog at a time we need help
They’d love some more playmates!
I can relax and read the book at the beach while Ralph is running around exploring!
Ralph can play at the beach and explore while I can relax and read
This is just what my dog needs, she was socialised but just doesn’t like other dogs.
My very spoilt dog is lacking in the art of socialisation,
This book would give me knowledge and inspiration.
After rescueing Patchy 19months ago, its time to get another rescue dog, this book will help Patchy & me when his new sister comes along, so hopefully nothing goes wrong..
Izzy and I would love to read this, she is a bit of a worry wart and hates new situations, new people, new dogs, new …
Maximus and I would treasure this inspirational literary masterpiece as we are looking to adopt a furry little friend in need of a loving home!.
I do judge a book by it’s cover and this one looks damn gorgeous.
Something for Mum and Dad to consider before bringing another adorable sibling into the house.
Miss Toffee desperately wants a baby sister but we must do our research first!!
This book will assist both Ella and I in choosing the new addition to our already loving and caring family,
This would make sure introductions go as smoothly as possible and we end up with a harmonious household when we get a new puppy.
This looks like a great read! I would love to win this book and looking forward to reading it!
7 Myall Street
Wallsend NSW 2287
I would love to read this book , it would be helpful for my situation, to get a little friend for my baby !