Click here for more competitions »Essential Dog is a 100 per cent Australian made and owned brand, dedicated to providing healthier alternatives for dogs with sensitive skin. Their natural dog grooming products contain no sulphates, parabens, synthetic fragrances or toxic chemicals. Infused with a unique blend of seven certified organic extracts, antioxidants and heavenly aromatherapy blends, their ultra-mild products are sure to make bath time a relaxing experience.
Dogs Life has three packs that include the Essential Dog Natural Dog Shampoo and Leave in Conditioner (featuring Chamomile, Sweet Orange and Rosewood for Sensitive Skin) and a Natural Anti Itch Spray (featuring Organic Calendula, Aloe Vera and Vitamin E) to give away.
Dogs Life has three Essential Dog Grooming Packs to give away. **To enter, please leave a comment in the box below telling us in 25 words or less why you and your dog would love to win**
Entries close October 16, 2015 and will be judged on October 19, 2015.
Please remember to sign in and update the Contact Info for Competition section and read the Condition of Entry before entering.
For more great ideas, visit our DOGSLife Directory
Going toxic-free and organic is NATURALLY the best choice for all humans, animals and the earth too.
My dog loves nothing better than rolling in dead things, …. and jumping into my bed.
– So regular bathtimes are an essential part of our lives!
Our whole human family consumes organic, I’d love to include the dogs in the lifestyle change 🙂
Organic and natural and homegrown that and so many more reasons we’d love to own
Even the kids wouldn’t complain about washing our Spud with this range!
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Our new dog has sensitive skin and would love some relief!
My german shepherd suffers from a severe skin condition that causes her to scratch constantly because of her sensitive skin
Gypsy has a beautiful coat being a longhaired Chihuahua/Pomeranian and is always wanting to keep it that way.
every dog loves to be pampered, and mines no exceptions, bring it on i say 🙂
My beautiful staffies are 100% aussie made and owned too! SNAP!
Our dog is fussy with his food, where he sleeps and what blankets he wants, essential dog grooming set is the one thing he won’t.
My dog probably things I need it, but truth is it’s about time he started using his own stuff…
My dog loves getting pampered and I love a great smelling dog
I love that Essential Dog is Australian made and owned and is perfect for my delicate Poppy’s sensitive skin.
My stinky English bulldog definitely needs this. He is HUGE and loves to jump up on people. My husband always says to people afterwards ‘smell ya hands’.
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as this a healthy and organci product which can only benefit my dog “rustys” skin, I would hate him to have a reaction to harsh chemicals.
My two dogs are very posh and like to feel (and smell) like princesses. Plus, they have the most soulful eyes you have ever seen.
Our dog Milly would LOVE an Essential Dog Grooming Pack because she loves baths but has sensitive skin
Millie the labradog just CANNOT be rid of her itch! Flaky and sore, the poor baby needs some reliable products for her sensitive skin.
for both my dogs to be itch free and have healthy skin all year long
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This superior Essential Dog Grooming Pack would provide elegant beautiful bath experience for our Cassie. She would have silky smooth coat and benefits with free chemica toxic.
Rocket my Shih Tzu has allergic skin reactions to some grooming products plus he hates bath time! The aromatherapy will relax him plus the gentle ingredients will alleviate his irritation.
so they will be itch free right through summer
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My dog gets very itchy dry skin in the spring, he takes allergy medication but this would sooth and pamper his skin!
My rescue Greyhound loves to be pampered and this prize would be perfect for my little man.
Piper is desperate for this, she has very sensitive skin. She refuses to even walk on the grass!
Our dog Milly would LOVE an Essential Dog Grooming Pack because she loves baths but has sensitive skin
My Labrador Poppy would love an essential dog grooming pack, to make her smell heavenly and house ready after rolling in stinky seaweed and mud.
My lab and cocker both get extremely itchy, so I love sticking to natural “no nasties” products for my babies!
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My two Puggirs would love to win this prize. I love a quality grooming product that makes them look fabulous.
my dog sparky suffers from red itchy skin and its really bad at this time of year, love the fact these products have no nasties,
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Our active labrador requires a fortnightly wash to remain “house friendly.” Essential Dog will help keep him fresh without harming his skin.
Mr B has senstive skin so always looking for something new that we can try 🙂
me and my dog would love to win this because she has very itchy skin and always itches and we live on a farm and she gets very smelly!
My beautiful mini Foxie unfortunately has very itchy and sensitive skin, which is why this product would be perfect for her.
I would love to win this pack because i live on a farm and my dog tends to get very smelly and this would be great for spring!
Spring has come and I would like to take the time to give my dog, Pogo, a bath. He has sensitive skin, these would help bring out his beauty!
Ohhh aromatherapy for me and no synthetic buggies to touch my precious poodle fur, yes, you won me over. PS My mummy grows some smelly plants I love, I bet you use better ones!
We want to use the best bath time products for our boy
Owning 5 dogs, and Alaska loving to roll in the mud all the time, this would be really handy!
Mr Ollie is adorable, he has a beautiful soft blue/black & white coat, yet occasionally he suffers from sensitive skin. Would you like me to send you a photo to verify his adorable-ness?
We have two Old English Sheepdogs, they need a lot of shampoo! They like to look and smell nice
my parents always complain that my dog stinks, what better way to essentially prove them wrong than with an essential Aussie groom
My two little maltese dogs love exploring in the backyard and their white coat gets dirty so easily! This would be perfect
It is essential that my dog gets groomed by great quality products but we have never had the chance.
My dog Remmy hates baths, but loves smelling flowers in our garden. After a bath with Essential Dog, she’ll smell like a flower too!
No more stinky bum!!! And nice smelling doggies are allowed up on the ‘good’ couch. Win win for all!!!
To look and smell pretty, without irritating her skin.
Shes a farm dog, but sometimes i think shes a pig, just can’t stay away from the mud!
Not just one of my dogs would love this grooming pack but all six would adore it.
Catana, my amazingly smart and loyal long hair Border Collie would very much appreciate this after we finish milking! …And so would I 😉
My dog Jett and I would love to win this because it would make him smell beautiful. Plus it’s organic and Australian made!
To have my Neo’s smelling nice and look clean what a bonus.! They are forever getting dirty and smelly.,Be good for them and myself.
I have a long haired Chihuahua that has alopecia. I would love to try this product on her. She also deserves a Doggy Day Spa!
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My beautiful puppy Bella gets itchy skin from most shampoos. I want her skin to feel soft and glow.
Hi my boy Titan 18 months is epileptic and I only want too use natural products on him .He is my boy .
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My two babies would like to have a spa retreat as their birthday present!